Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Taking my Writing to the Next Level in 2016

Hard to believe 2015 is almost over. It was a busy year for me, writing-wise. I finished a novel and started querying agents for it (one has already requested a full. Yay!). I almost finished the first draft of the next novel in the series. 

So - busy. Busy busy bee.

2016 is about to become so much busier. Not only do I plan on finishing this second novel and a first draft of the third (and last in the series), as well as hopefully *fingers crossed* selling the first. I'm also going to start a freelance (copy)writing business. 

Gulp. Did I just post that out loud? 

I guess I did. Does that make it official?

I'm going to start small - as part-time next to my day job, which will remain my main source of income. For now. ;-)

To get started, I created a website about my copywriting endeavors, called Word for Word. The first blog post on the bloggy page of this site goes live this Sunday, and explains How to Prepare for Going Freelance as a Copywriter

I'm also launching an entirely new blog, called Blusher's Blog, dedicated to all things erythrophobia - a social anxiety that leaves people afraid to blush. Sounds harmless, right? Except it isn't to those afflicted. Living with erythrophobia can severely restrict and confine your life. I overcame it several years ago, but it's still a topic close to my heart that I'm finally ready to talk about. And maybe help a few people through it in the process. The first post also goes live on Sunday, and describes How Fear of Blushing, aka "Erythrophobia", Affects People (Besides Blushing)

If you're curious enough to check them out, I'd love to know what you think! 

Phew. These have got to be the loftiest aspirations I've ever had. It's scary, exciting and exhilirating all in one. And I know it's a little early, but maybe you already have goals for 2016, too? If so, I'd love to hear about them. Maybe we can be scared, excited and exhilirated together?! 

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